Complaints and Legal

We Value Your Opinion

At Crown Cottage Dental Care, our aim is to provide a high quality service to our patients in a comfortable and relaxed environment.
If there are any aspects of your visit to us or the treatment you have recieved that you would like to discuss then please ask to speak to our Practice Manager Joanna Lewis.
We take all comments or complaints very seriously and do our best to resolve and act on all matters arising from such comments in a caring and sensitive manner.
If you feel that you would prefer not to speak with us directly about your concern, you can contact the following:

Anerin Bevan Health Board   HIW Healthcare Inspector Wales   Community Health Council
01495 745656                       03000 628163                                  02920 235558

Alternatively you can ask one of our reception team for a guidence leaflet on raising a concern about the NHS or you can download this leaflet from