Grinding / Tooth Wear
Many people have a tooth grinding habit, sometimes you may not even be aware you are doing it until you see the effects in your mouth. These results can take the form of worn down teeth, headaches, clicking jaws or even broken teeth.
Fortunately there are many things that can be done to prevent further damage as well as repairing the damage already done.
We can provide you with a night guard to take the pressure of your teeth that is usually a result of night time grinding and clenching. This guard acts to protects the teeth and relaxes the muscles alleviating pain and discomfort felt in the jaw and head.
At Crown Cottage we have a state of the art device called a T Scan, this amazing piece of technology uses computer software to help guide the dentist to rebalance your bite. It has been likened to having the wheels balanced on your car.
The dentist can then, ensure pressure is more evenly balanced across your mouth.
In many cases by the time you visit your dentist to discuss this problem, damage has already been done. We can provide you with a tailor made solution using a variety of different techniques to restore your smile.
Crown Cottage has invested in a Tekscan machine to help our patients.
An unbalanced bite can lead to jaw joint pains, clicks and noises from the jaw joints, jaw and tooth pain, ear ache, neck and back pains and headaches. It can also lead to tooth wear and constantly breaking fillings and crowns coming off.
Jaw joint damage is also known as TMJ pain or TMD, an early sign of which is clicks and noises from the jaw joint or joints.
Additional problems include joint pains and a restricted opening of the jaws. All problems of unbalanced bites can put extra loads on muscles of the face, head and neck.
The Tekscan involves biting on a thin sensor which is analysed though a computer. The graphic display on the computer programme identifies the force of each tooth contact and also the movement of the jaws in closing and sliding over each other. Treatment may involve the use of small gum shields, the balancing of bites and removal of contacts and sometimes more advanced dental work to establish a balanced and comfortable bite.